Common knowledge
Enhance your knowledge or get started fast by adding AI access to pre-indexed data from us and others.
Last updated
Enhance your knowledge or get started fast by adding AI access to pre-indexed data from us and others.
Last updated
In Rememberizer, registered users (publishers) can select their uploaded documents through mementos and share them publicly as common knowledge. Other users (subscribers) can access this public knowledge and add it to their own resources.
By contributing their data, other users can collectively enhance the available information on the common knowledge page. This collaborative approach allows all users to access a richer data source, thereby improving the learning capabilities of their AI applications.
In order to subscribe a common knowledge to your resource, follow the instructions below
On navigation bar, choose Personal > Common Knowledge. Then, you will see the public common knowledge page.
Then, look for the common knowledge you want to subscribe. You can look up the knowledge by typing the knowledge's name on search bar. You can optionally choose the filter option next to the search bar.
Then click Add button on the public common knowledge. After successful subscribe, you will see the Add button change to Remove button.
Later, if you want to remove a subscribed knowledge, click the Remove button.
For detailed instructions of creating and sharing a common knowledge, visit this page Registering and using API Keys.