Talk-to-Slack the Sample Web App

It is very easy to create a simple web application that will integrate an LLM with user knowledge through queries to Rememberizer.

The source code of the app can be found here.

In this section we will provide step by step instructions and the full source code so that you can quickly create your own application.

We have created a Talk-to-Slack GPT on OpenAI. The Talk-to-Slack Web app is very similar.


In this guide, we provide step-by-step instructions and full source code to help you create your own application similar to our Talk-to-Slack GPT integration with Unlike the Slack integration, a web app offers more features and control, such as web scraping, local database access, graphics and animation, and collecting payments. Plus, it can be used by anyone without the need for a premium genAI account.


Our example application, Talk to Slack, is hosted on Heroku and integrates OpenAI's LLM with to enhance your Slack experience. The web app is built using Flask and provides features like OAuth2 integration, Slack data access, and an intuitive user interface.


  • Flask-based Architecture: Backend operations, frontend communications, and API interactions are handled by Flask.

  • OAuth2 Integration: Secure authorization and data access with Rememberizer's OAuth2 flow.

  • Slack Data Access: Fetches user's connected Slack data securely using Rememberizer's APIs.

  • OpenAI LLM Integration: Processes queries with OpenAI's LLM service for insightful responses.

  • Intuitive User Interface: Easy navigation and interaction with a modern UI design.

  • Best Practices: Adheres to security and user experience standards for seamless integration.

Setup and Deployment


  • Python

  • Flask

[Note that it was not very hard to have an LLM rewrite this entire application in another language, in our case Golang. So do keep in mind that you are not limited to Python]

Environment Configuration

Set these environment variables:

  • APP_SECRET_KEY: Unique secret key for Flask.

  • REMEMBERIZER_CLIENT_ID: Client ID for your Rememberizer app.

  • REMEMBERIZER_CLIENT_SECRET: Client secret for your Rememberizer app.

  • OPENAI_API_KEY: Your OpenAI API key.

Running the Application

  1. Start Flask App: Run flask run in the terminal and access the app at http://localhost:5000.

[For testing and development]

Deploying to the Cloud

Deployment to platforms like Heroku, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Amazon Web Services (AWS), or Microsoft Azure is recommended.

Heroku Deployment

  1. Create a Heroku Account: Install the Heroku CLI.

  2. Prepare Your Application: Ensure a Procfile, runtime.txt, and requirements.txt are present.

  3. Deploy: Use the Heroku CLI or GitHub integration for deployment.

Detailed Steps

  • Connect Heroku to GitHub: Enable automatic deploys from the GitHub repository for seamless updates.

  • Deploy Manually: Optionally, use manual deployment for more control.

Additional Setup

  • Install Heroku CLI: brew tap heroku/brew && brew install heroku (macOS).

  • Add SSL certificates: Use self-signed certificates for initial HTTPS setup.

    • An official paid certificate is definitely the way to go in production, but to quickly and cheaply test this out, you can do this for free.

  • Configure Environment Variables on Heroku: Use heroku config:set KEY=value for essential keys.

Other Cloud Platforms

  • GCP: Set up a GCP account, prepare your app with app.yaml, and deploy using gcloud app deploy.

  • AWS: Use Elastic Beanstalk for deployment after setting up an AWS account and the AWS CLI.

  • Azure: Deploy through Azure App Service after creating an Azure account and installing the Azure CLI.

Security and Best Practices

Before deployment, verify your requirements.txt, adjust configurations for production, and update OAuth redirect URIs.



Application Code Overview

Here's a brief overview of the key routes in the application:

  • @app.route('/') (Index Route): Renders the homepage of the application.

  • @app.route('/auth/rememberizer') (Rememberizer Authentication Route): Initiates the OAuth2 authentication process with

  • @app.route('/auth/rememberizer/callback') (Rememberizer Callback Route): Handles the callback from after user authorization.

  • @app.route('/dashboard') (Dashboard Route): Displays the dashboard page to the user.

  • @app.route('/slack-info') (Slack Integration Info Route): Shows information about the user's Slack integration with

  • @app.route('/ask', methods=['POST']) (Ask Route): Handles the submission of questions from the user and generates an answer using OpenAI's GPT-4 model.

Additional Notes

  • Iconography: Designed with a detailed folded paper art style, reflecting AI and communication integration. Our icon was created in Midjourney and Image2Icon.

  • SSL Configuration: Generate self-signed certificates using OpenSSL for secure communication.

Explore and Innovate

We encourage exploration and innovation with your own AI-integrated web app, aiming to enhance productivity and collaboration within your platform.

This revised documentation provides a comprehensive guide for developers to create their own AI-integrated web app, similar to Talk-to-Slack. It includes detailed instructions for setup, deployment, and application code overview, along with best

Last updated