Rememberizer Memory integration


Rememberizer Memory allows third party apps to store and access data in a user's Rememberizer account, providing a simple way for valuable information to be saved and utilize across multiple user' applications.


For User

Shared Memory creates a single place where key results and information from all the user's apps are available in one location. Some benefits for user include:

  • Easy Access: Important data is centralized, allowing both the user and their apps to easily access results from multiple apps in one place.

  • Sync Between Apps: Information can be shared and synced between a user's different apps seamlessly without extra effort from the user.

  • Persistent Storage: Data remains accessible even if individual apps are uninstalled, unlike app-specific local storage.

For App Developers

The Shared Memory provides app developers a simple way to access data from a user's other connected apps:

  • No Backend Needed: Apps do not need to develop their own custom backend systems to store and share data.

  • Leverage Other Apps: Apps can build on and utilize public data generated by a user's other installed apps, enriching their own functionality.

  • Cross-App Integration: Seamless integration and data sharing capabilities are enabled between an app developer's different apps.

By default all apps have read-only access to Shared Memory, while each app can write only to its own memory space. The user has controls to customize access permissions as needed. This balances data sharing with user privacy and control.

Config Your Memory

Global Settings

The Global Settings allow user to configure the default permissions for all apps using Shared Memory. This includes:

Default Memory and Data Access Permissions for Apps

  • Read Own/Write Own: Apps are exclusively permitted to access and modify their own memory data.

  • Read All/Write Own: Apps can read memory data across all apps but are restricted to modifying only their own memory data.

  • Disable Memory: By default, apps cannot access or store memory data.

  • Apply to All Option: User can apply all app-specific permission settings back to the defaults chosen in Global Settings.

User can clear all Memory documents with Forget your memory option:

App Settings

For each connected app, user can customize the Shared Memory permissions:

Memory Access Permissions for Apps

  • Read Own/Write Own: Permissions allow the app to only access and modify its own memory data, preventing it from interacting with other apps' memory.

  • Read All/Write Own: The app can view memory data from all apps but is restricted to modifying only its own memory data.

  • Disable Memory: The app is prohibited from accessing or modifying memory data.

This allows user fine-grained control over how each app can utilize Shared Memory based on the user's trust in that specific app. Permissions for individual apps can be more restrictive than the global defaults.

Together, the Global and App Settings give user powerful yet easy-to-use controls over how their data is shared through Shared Memory.

Integrate with Memory Feature

API Endpoint

Rememberizer expose an API end point /api/v1/documents/memorize/ to let GPT App call to memorize the content.

Note: This api is available for Memory with 3rd-party apps with OAuth2 authentication only (not API-key yet)

Memorize your knowledge

After authorizing with Rememberizer, the third party app can memorize it valuable knowledge.

Here, we will demonstrate a process using Remembeizer GPT App.

  • After using Rememberizer GPT App, user want to memorize the third point "Zero-Cost Abstractions"\

  • To use the Rememberizer App's Memory feature, user must first authorize the app to access your project. Use the memorize command to tell the app what knowledge it needs to store.

  • User can Config the Memory Option here, with the default value is based on the Global Config

The Rememberizer now successfully memorizes knowledge.

  • In Rememberizer, user can see the recent content at Embed Knowledge Details page.

With the Talk to Slack app, user can seamlessly apply and continue their progress using the data they have committed to memory. For example, memorized information they can easily query and retrieve

Using Memory Data via Memento

  • Another way to utilize the memory data is by creating Memento. Rememberizer saves content into files and combine into folder for each date.

With the Memento Feature, user can utilize the Memory data even when the Memory App Config is Off.

Search Memory document in Rememberizer

You can also Search Your Knowledge through our web UI, or better, use this knowledge in an LLM through our GPT app or our public API.

Last updated