Registering and using API Keys

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a common knowledge in Rememberizer and get its API Key to connect and retrieve its documents through API calls.


First, you need to have a memento created and refined using your indexed knowledge files.

Creating a common knowledge

To create a common knowledge, sign in into your Rememberizer account and visit your common knowledge page. Click on "Add Shared Knowledge" on the right hand side.

Then pick one of the mementos you have created previously, you can also choose "All" or "None".

Finally fill out the common knowledge's name, description and give it a representative photo.

After you have filled the form, click on "Share knowledge" in the bottom to create your common knowledge. You now are ready to obtain its API Key and access its documents via API calls.

Getting the API Key of a common knowledge you created

For your common knowledge, click on the three dots on its top right, then choose "API Key". If there is none yet, one will be created for you. If the API Key exists it will be returned.

In the "Manage your API Key" panel, you can click on the "eye" button to show/hide, the "copy" button to copy the key to clipboard, and "Regenerate API Key" to invalidate the old key and create a new one (apps that are accessing your documents through api calls won't be able to access until you have updated the new key into them).

After obtaining the API Key, you can proceed to using it in your API calls to Rememberizer to query your indexed documents and contents.

Using the API Key

To access Rememberizer endpoints, you will use the API Key in the X-API-Key header of your API requests. Please check out the API Documentation to see the endpoints that Rememberizer provides.

You can also use the API Key in a custom GPT app. Start by creating a GPT in the ChatGPT UI. Make sure to choose the Authentication Type as "API Key", Auth Type as "Custom" and the header as "X-Api-Key", then paste the key you copied previously into the API Key textbox.

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